March 10, 2025

Will Edwina Currie be doling out award to one of Peverel’s alleged price-fixing sites at the Elderly Accommodation Counsel awards?


EAC3By Michael Hollands 

Only three days to go to the big award ceremony in retirement leasehold hosted by Edwina Currie. (Click on image to read)

This is the Elderly Accommodation Counsel award for the Retirement Managers of the year being held at the National Motorcycle Museum.

EdwinaCurrie2The awards are to be presented by Edwina Currie.

Thousands of elderly residents are waiting with baited breath to see if their complex will receive the prestigious Gold, Silver or Bronze awards.

Among them are the very happy and contented residents of Hardy’s Court, a Peverel managed complex in Weymouth, which is apparently managed in an exemplary way.Then there’s Homemanor House, in Watford, which is also commended.

Will Edwina be presenting them with the prestigious Gold Award and telling us all about the wonderful lifestyle the residents experience?

The voting for these awards is done by means of a card game that the residents play.

On the cards are questions about their retirement home and they award marks to a question, pass the card on to the next player and so on.

A very enlightening video of this taking place is shown on the EAC website here.

The cards are collected up and sent to the EAC and the results are put into a computer that comes up with the top 26 winners. The residents from these complexes are invited to a lunch and celebration at the prize-giving.

Next Thursday, the National Motorcycle Museum will be full of happy people with much merriment.

Peverel has a complex in the final group to go for a top award, and another near miss at Watford which was highly commended.

As this comes when the Office of Fair Trading is finalizing its inquiry into allegations over its price-fixing by Peverel subsidiary Cirrus, it raises an important question.

Were either of these two complexes affected by the scam and are they on the OFT infringement list?

Did the residents who voted know about the OFT Inquiry when they took part in the voting process?

Are Hardy’s Court and Homemanor House as wonderful as described? It would be interesting to hear comment, good or bad.

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation adds: Curious fact. The EAC shares the same office building as the Association of Retirement Housing Managers. ARHM has yet to make any significant statement addressing the abuses in retirement leasehold (in contrast to ARMA for non-retirement leasehold). Keith Edgar, former head of Peverel Retirement, is a consultant.



  1. Michael Epstein says

    If Edwina Currie wants to to know the true nature of Peverel, she only has to ask a former close friend..
    I understand John Major owns a flat at St Georges Wharf.

  2. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation

    The Elderly Accommodation Council must be aware of the many, many complaints that Peverel Retirement have received over the past years.

    Do we have an email address for EAC so we can inform them how we feel.

  3. Michael Epstein says

    A complete waste of time Chas, unless you want to contact a man that shares their office.
    Does the name Keith Edgar mean anything to you?

  4. Michael
    I have replied to the above comment but Sebastian has seen fit to sensor my comments about KE.
    The comments were general regarding consultants.

    KE was the Peverel Person who informed us at ABC that we had been sold to Chamonix & Electra, I later found out that we had been owned by Peverel Since 2006/07 (probably longer) and we not part of the sale to C.E. but were left over and were still owned by Mercian Properties Ltd our Freeholders and Meridian Retirement Housing Services Ltd our Landlord, (Owned by Peverel Services Ltd)?

    What a farce

  5. Michael Epstein says

    Do you mean Mercian are the freeholders and Meridian are the managing agents?
    Mercian have no connnection with Peverel, whereas Meridian are part of Peverel.
    Perhaps you could petition Mercian to appoint a new managing agent?

  6. Michael Epstein says

    It has come to my attention that Edwina Currie has connections with the “Greater Life Advisory Board”
    This is part of Mcarthy and Stone.