March 9, 2025

Elim Court: If you want right to manage, this is how NOT to go about it

Elim Court in Plymouth has escaped from its right to manage debacle by the skin of its teeth, having been led to near ruin by right to manage facilitators. After having had its right to manage application turned down in the lower tribunal (freeholder’s costs: £10,000) and then thrown out by the upper tribunal (freeholder’s […]

LEASE: Don’t be panicked over Triplerose multi-block RTM ruling

(… which is what we have been saying all along) Ten months after the Triplerose decision in the Court of Appeal on multi-block RTMs, the Leasehold Advisory Service has issued its advice: don’t do anything. “The advice to the customers for now can only be to do nothing, unless the landlord starts any action of […]

Dudley Joiner: It is not relevant that I was disqualified from being a company director for 7 years

Dudley Joiner, the businessman offering services to leaseholders, has told LKP / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation that being disqualified as a company director for seven years has “no relevance to my current activity”. The ban was imposed between 1993 and 2000 in the Chancery Division of the High Court following an action by the […]

Leaseholder Association Pt 2 (Originally headlined: I don’t like our RTM, but what can I do?)

This article initially addressed this reader’s question (below), but evolved into an extended discussion of the Leaseholder Association again. This was the initiative of the Leaseholder Association itself, with replies from website readers, rather than of Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation. Hopefully discussion of the Leaseholder Association can now cease until there is something of relevance […]

Leaseholder Association: Is secret mediation really the cure-all for leasehold?

UPDATEDudley Joiner demands removal of Leaseholder Association leaflet published on LKP / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitationDudley Joiner, of the Leasehold Association, has insisted that the letter explaining the organisation be removed from the LKP / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation websites.He claims it is a breach of copyright to reproduce the document, which was […]

Quadrangle House residents seek to regain control of their RTM

The residents of Quadrangle House in Stratford east London last week chose a number of directors for their right to manage company. They were seeking to end the anomaly that the only director has been Dudley Joiner, owner of Team Property Management, which manages the site. His Right To Manage Federation, which is not a […]

Should the RTMF take Elim Court’s flawed right to manage application on to the Court of Appeal?

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation / LKP has serious concerns about events at Elim Court in Plymouth, whose right to manage application failed on appeal last month. The application is being handled for the residents by the Right To Manage Federation, headed by Dudley Joiner, which has repeatedly stated that it is assuming all legal […]

Elim Court fails to win epic right to manage on appeal

Residents not informed of court decision of a month ago What are the freeholder’s legal costs? Right To Manage Federation has said it would pay   Elim Court’s battle to break free of London freeholder Israel Moskovitz and his associate Joseph Gurvits has failed on appeal to the Upper Tribunal. The ruling on the right […]

Knights Court wins RTM after Peverel dropped the action …

… well, it is a Tchenguiz site Peverel began a right to manage process at retirement site Knights Court in Balsall Common, in Solihull, only to drop the claim after the freeholder objected, it is claimed. The freeholder is the Tchenguiz Family Trust, which owns the freeholds of 1,500 retirement sites, or 53,000 retirement flats, […]

We will fight to the end for our right to manage, says Elim Court

By Keith Phillips, OBE We, the residents, of Elim Court read with great interest Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation’ reportage  of recent meetings involving Sir Peter Bottomley MP, Israel Moskovitz, Joseph Gurvits et al and Oliver Colvile MP with the residents of Elim Court on Saturday  2nd February. May we say that we very much […]

Pensioners at Elim Court fail in third RTM attempt to escape Gurvits

Pensioners in Plymouth have failed for the third time to break free from London freeholder and managing agent Joseph Gurvits, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation was informed yesterday. Elim Court’s third right to manage application in the past 18 months was thrown out at the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal owing to a mistake in the application. […]

Elim Court pensioners must wait until New Year before hearing whether they are free of Gurvits

Pensioners at Elim Court in Plymouth must wait until the New Year to discover whether they were successful in yesterday’s LVT action to win right to manage from London freeholder / managing agent Joseph Gurvits. It is the pensioners’ third attempt to mount a right to manage application, and the second to have come before […]