March 9, 2025

Stonewater pensioners ‘turn to Freemont Property Managers for right to manage’

Pensioners at two Stonewater housing association retirement sites are said to be seeking right to manage using Freemont Property Managers – the company founded by ex-Peverel politburo members. Some held senior positions in the company when Peverel’s subsidiary Cirrus was systematically cheating pensioners in a price fixing racket that was busted by the Office of […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation tells Parliament: ‘feeling in retirement leasehold is that the bad guys always win’

Last Wednesday saw a session of Lord Best’s All Party Parliamentary Group on retirement housing and care. Sebastian O’Kelly, trustee of Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation / LKP, made the following points about private leasehold retirement housing to the APPG: In part, the elderly are not downsizing to retirement housing because they think they will […]

Housing and Care 21: We’ve made a mess at Ashfield, so manage the site yourselves

Housing and Care 21 handed over the management to residents at Ashfield, a retirement site in Telford in Shropshire, after admitting that it had been badly run. For the past three months, the complex of 26 semi and detached bungalows with a community centre and flat above has been self-managed by the residents through a […]

From Tokyo, a victory against E&M and Peverel at Maltings Court

A leaseholder of a property at Maltings Court, Stratford-upon-Avon, has settled an action over wrongly demanded ground rent and his court costs … corresponding with E&M and Peverel / FirstPort from Tokyo. In spring 2011, Geoffrey Powell, and a number of other leaseholders at the 21-flat Maltings Court, received ground rent demands dating back to 2005 […]

ARMA ends four-month farce after finally saying who its members are …

But don’t feel any obligation to join on our account! ARMA has finally published a list of its full members – more than four months after making the more rigorous ARMA-Q the criteria for membership. Until today, the only clue as to who was a member of ARMA was the stream of congratulations posted on […]

Peverel / FirstPort pays back £39,377 wrongly taken from Hillside Court, but residents say another £3,498 is owed

UPDATE March 12 2015: The residents estimate that the underpayment still outstanding now amount to £4148, not £3,498. The amendment concerns a flat sold in August 2001. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation strongly advises the residents not to accept that this matter is concluded until all the data is thoroughly examined, ideally by a third […]

Peverel / FirstPort paid ‘£40,000′ of residents’ contingency fund money to Mr Tchenguiz ‘by mistake’

In an extraordinary admission, Peverel / FirstPort says it has paid over thousands of pounds of contingency funds at Hillside Court, Ormskirk, to the landlord “by mistake”. Residents estimate that up to £40,000 is at issue, involving the one per cent contingency fund fess payable on sale of the properties.

How we got rid of Peverel and Girling’s advertising boards

Anyone else having issues of this sort? A reader writes: After some sustained and determined pressure we have managed to get the Peverel / Girlings advertising sign taken down from the communal area of our development as this was in clear breach of the terms of the original lease. It is of note that the […]

Tchenguiz’s £2.2bn compo claim ‘liberally interspersed with assertions of fraud, falsity, dishonesty and improper motive’, says judge

(Sounds like an email to Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation from an aggrieved leaseholder …) Vincent Tchenguiz’s £2.2 billion legal action against accountants Grant Thornton has suffered a set-back as his documentation was described by a judge as “too long and failed to make clear the facts of the case”. Tchenguiz wants compo from Grant […]

Metcalfe Court overcomes 11th-hour frustrations to break free of Tchenguiz and Peverel

The long-running saga for right to manage at Metcalfe Court, in Romiley in Cheshire, has at last come to an end and the pensioner residents are now rid of the Tchenguiz-appointed Peverel / FirstPort management. On February 20, the management of the site passed to family-run Macclesfield firm Jones Associates, which is accredited to the […]

Andy Davey promoted. He headed Cirrus during Peverel’s price-fixing

Andy Davey, Peverel’s former head of business excellence and Cirrus executive, has been appointed MD of Appello Davey was the head of operations for Cirrus from 2002 and became head of the business from 2007 to 2009. The Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing scandal involved cheating pensioners at 65 sites by installing Cirrus equipment through bogus […]

Peverel Retirement up before the ARMA regulator before it can join ARMA-Q

A complaint about Peverel Retirement is being considered by ARMA regulator Keith Hill even before the trade body rules on whether it meets the criteria of ARMA-Q. The complaint comes from Alex Ellison, whose mother lives in Mere Court, in Knutsford, Cheshire. It concerns Peverel’s ownership and disposal of house managers’ flats.