March 9, 2025

We need retirement ground rent gaming like a hole in the head, says ARCO

Gaming the new ground rents ban by introducing them at the last possible minute was damaging to the entire retirement housing sector and “we need this like a hole in the head”, said the Association of Retirement Community Operators at its annual conference yesterday. Michael Voges, ARCO chief executive, deplored bad practices in retirement housing […]

Methodist Housing Association flat falls 40% on re-sale, says BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours

… So about average for our dismal retirement housing market BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme featured retirement housing this afternoon in an item on the Methodist Housing Association. It can be heard here at 08:09. Penelope Garnham’s mother, who died in February 2012 aged 96, paid £125,000 in 2007 for a flat in Rowanberries […]