Prepared speech by Sir Peter Bottomley MP (Worthing West) to the Chartered Institute of Housing Thursday October 9 2014 EVERY residential leasehold forfeiture should be reported to the Master of the Rolls Forfeiture is “nuclear weapon” in the hands of unscrupulous freeholders and judges “have the responsibility of having a sense of proportion” Evidence of […]
Prisk to Bottomley: what’s the evidence that the Leasehold Advisory Service is not ‘balanced’? Well, how about this for starters …
Housing Minister Mark Prisk has rounded on Sir Peter Bottomley to demand why he believes that the Leasehold Advisory Service in not ‘balanced’. Sir Peter, the Tory MP for Worthing West, made his comments in the Commons on April 16: “To have clever lawyers, some of whom will appear at LEASE—the Government-approved agency for giving […]
Leasehold Advisory Service denies seeking ‘bungs’ to pass on leaseholders for professional services
LEASE, the Leasehold Advisory Service, is a taxpayer-funded quango, so why on earth is it asking solicitors and others whether they would be prepared to pay referral fees to be put in touch with the distressed ordinary leaseholders who call up for advice? Referral fees – or ‘bungs’ as they are less politely termed – […]
Leasehold Advisory Service: ‘Lawyers here won’t even speak to me because I cannot afford their fees’
An emotional Julian Shersby tells the Leasehold Advisory Service annual conference it is failing ordinary leaseholders. In the last ten minutes the Leasehold Advisory Service annual conference burst into life this afternoon when a furious delegate grabbed the microphone and said the quango was failing to represent the interests of ordinary leaseholders. “I see around me […]