March 9, 2025

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation welcomes Lord Best’s ‘flaws and all’ study of retirement housing

The controversial issues surrounding retirement housing have been addressed in an important parliamentary report written by Lord Best, the acknowledged expert on the subject in the Lords. “Leaseholders and their concerns have not been forgotten in this report,” Lord Best told guests at Parliament on Wednesday, who included senior figures in housebuilding, housing associations, the […]

ARHM code of practice is launched

The Association of Retirement Housing Managers launched its new ARHM code of practice this week, which has at last obtained approval from the secretary of state. This means breaches of the code can be referenced in litigation, which can be very useful in a property tribunal dispute. The code has been worked on for some […]

Housing and Care 21: We’ve made a mess at Ashfield, so manage the site yourselves

Housing and Care 21 handed over the management to residents at Ashfield, a retirement site in Telford in Shropshire, after admitting that it had been badly run. For the past three months, the complex of 26 semi and detached bungalows with a community centre and flat above has been self-managed by the residents through a […]

£750,000 lost in SmartSource Water scandal

Following up the Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation story of Hanover losing £500,000 over the SmartSource Water scandal, it now emerges that Housing 21 lost £250,000. Inside Housing, the newspaper for social housing providers, says SmartSource Water was like a “pyramid scheme” which has left several housing associations among creditors facing millions of pounds of […]