March 9, 2025

McCarthy and Stone makes ‘goodwill’ payment of £40,000 to Oak Court, but leaseholder drops article for LKP after phone call from the company’s lawyer

McCarthy and Stone has made a “goodwill” payment of £40,000 to Oak Court in Manchester which lacked fire compartmentation in the roof. But a leaseholder at the site, which featured in BBC TV’s Rip-Off Britain last year, withdrew a submitted article to LKP addressing the issue after receiving a phone call from the company’s senior […]

Service charges increase by £40,000 in ten years at Arkle Court, says resident

We have received the following from Ged Walsh, of Arkle Court, Chester: Dear Sirs, Madams and Readers I write as a pensioner homeowner living in a Retirement Block built in 2000 by McCarthy & Stone with freeholders Fairhold Homes (No4) Ltd and Peverel / FirstPort as the Service Managers. We purchased our flat in 2003 […]

Metcalfe Court breaks free from Peverel with right to manage success

Metcalfe Court, a retirement site in Romiley in Cheshire is the latest Peverel managed retirement site to win right to manage. Yesterday the Tchenguiz Family Trust withdrew its counter-notices to the RTM notifications which means the RTM will take over management of the block on February 20 next year. The result vindicates the efforts of […]

Letter from Arkle Court

UPDATE: November 3 2014 A spokesperson from McCarthy & Stone said: “While the slight defects with the gables at Arkle Court fall outside of our 10-year warranty period, we are committed to addressing this issue as quickly as possible for the benefit of homeowners. “We instructed independent structural engineers to carry out an inspection of […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation veteran wins another £5,000 off Tchenguiz

Battle-scared Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation veteran Norman Greed has pulled off another coup for residents at Eddington Court: a £5,000 repayment on insurance commissions from the Tchenguiz Family Trust. In June Mr Greed, a director of the Eddington Court RTM claimed £10,000 on past insurance commissions to Kingsborough and Oval.

Our nine years in a retirement leasehold development

Norman Greed, of Eddington Court in Weston-super-Mare, writes his personal account of how he and his neighbours disputed charges at LVT – where they had £12,000 of costs awarded against them – but eventually broke free with right to manage   In August 2004 we purchased a two-bedroom McCarthy and Stone retirement leasehold flat from […]

Office of Fair Trading deal over exit and sub-letting fees with Tchenguiz

OFT website outlining the agreement is here August 2012: The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has secured undertakings from Fairhold Homes Ltd and associated companies (Fairhold) owned by the Tchenguiz Family Trust  to change how they charge and enforce transfer fee terms in their 53,000 retirement home leases. The OFT has been investigating exit fees, […]

Haig Court residents win back £6,123 off Fairhold

Residents at Haig Court, in Chesterton, Cambridge, who were facing a 20 per cent hike in the notional rent of the house manager’s flat have now been offered a £6,123 repayment – after contacting Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation. The residents’ association was stunned that the freeholder Fairhold, part of the Tchenguiz Family Trust, proposed […]

Exit fees court battle fails … but it cost Fairhold thousands and Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation now has its legal argument why it believes the contract terms are fair

Susan Wood failed in her court struggle earlier this week to be reimbursed the £1,150 in exit fees paid when her late father’s flat was sold in 2010. Wood argued that as the fee was for a service that was not carried out – ostensibly to vet the capability of the flat’s purchaser for “independent […]

Court case over Fairhold £1,150 exit fees

A courtroom battle over £1,150 paid in exit fees takes place on January 2, which may prove good news for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust & Buglife which will be getting the money if the action is successful. Susan Wood is demanding back the 1 per cent exit fee paid to Fairhold, a freehold owning company […]

Pay back my £1,150 exit fee, or we are off to court

Veteran Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation supporter Susan Wood is considering legal action against the retirement development landlord Fairhold on the thorny issue of exit fees and wants back £1,150. The case concerns her deceased father’s flat at Kings Court, in Sheffield, where Wood and her two siblings were charged two per cent exit fees […]