March 10, 2025

Surge in right to manage interest after trust in Peverel evaporates

RTMFThe Right To Manage Federation is reporting a surge in interest in right to manage as the media takes up the Peverel / Cirrus price fixing scandal.


The Office of Fair Trading issued its final report into the cartel – where stooge companies bid against Peverel’s own subsidiary in a bogus tendering process – in early December.

The media – notably the BBC and various national newspapers – have taken up the issue, which has received extensive coverage on Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation.

“Since news of the Cirrus scandal was made public in the national press the Right To  Manage Federation has seen a marked increase in enquiries from Peverel managed retirement estates,” says Dudley Joiner, chief executive of the RTMF, which almost certainly has taken more retirement sites right to manage than any other organisation.

“Not only do leaseholders want to find alternative careline services to Cirrus, they are telling us they see this as the final straw with Peverel, in whom they have lost all confidence and trust.

“On comparing quotations for telecare services from alternative suppliers like Welbeing, leaseholders are finding they can reduce the cost by more than 50 per cent.

“Right to manage provides them the opportunity to break free from the Peverel monopoly and take advantage of the high quality, competitive services the market has to offer.”

For more on leasehold issue, see the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership


  1. Hi Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation,
    How right you are, I had a 2.5 hour meeting with Peverel Retirement and their Area Manager at ABC and the Regional Manager [REDACTED]. I had invited an advisor to accompany me but the RM asked him to leave, as he would not hold the meeting with him present.
    My advisor did leave with reservations having explained to them that Peverel Retirement was showing its hand in that having claimed to be open and transparent, was closed and opaque.

    There was a list of 30 questions asked as Peverel Retirement managers either refuse to answer by stating
    1. The answer is above their pay grade?
    2. We have been instructed not to supply answers to Price Fixing, Tender Rigging?
    3. We do not need Paper Trails for Insurance Claims?
    4. We know best and as we are the Landlord and Managing Agent?
    5. Provide a part of as answer, which leaves other question?
    6. Refuse to answer the question asked?
    7. Answer a question that was not asked?

    At the end of the meeting I mentioned that we were looking at RTM. RM jumped to his feet and laughed stating that you cant get rid of us that easy. He asked me, was I aware how hard it is to get rid of Peverel Retirement, we have the 125 year Headlease.

    I left the meeting thanking them both for attending. This was the third time I had meetings with the regional manager and it had taken 6 Months for this meeting as Chris Owens Head of Customer Relations had stated previously that a meeting was not deemed as necessary, as we meet our Area Manager 4 times a year.

    Then out of the blue a further meeting was arranged within a 3 week period with the RM, I asked what the meeting was for but Peverel Retirement refused to give a reason even when asked for an agenda.

    Only half residents attended and the meeting was only to discuss the RTM and how we will suffer if we leave Peverel Group.

    I did mange to ask a further question regarding the sale of the Wardens Flat and the building of the new office to replace it. We were informed that the Planning Application had been applied for.

    I checked with the Planning Department and was informed no such application had been applied for?

    This is just a few of the problems when Peverel Management Services Ltd (Peverel Retirement) have any input into Retirement Developments?

  2. The RICS ACOP s7.4 states that:-

    You must obtain at least 2 estimates, at least one of which must be from a firm wholly unconnected with you or the Landlord?

    How was Peverel/Cirrus not wholly connected with Jackson, Owens, and O`Rourke when they were all involved in Price Fixing.

    I wonder what does the RICS is planning to do as we have seen or heard nothing from them, I assume like Peverel Group are keeping below the parapet.

    Even Janet Entwistle and Chris Owens no longer to respond as they inform us that we have to go through the correct channels and contact the Area Managers and follow the same system that we did only to end up with Chris Owens, Adam West Webb and Luke Couper?

    Friends have spoken on the phone to Customer Services and waited for answers that didn’t come?

    Askjanetaquestion has become a laughing stock and should be replaced with don’t askjanetanyquestoions which janetorpeverel

  3. SOK
    Did not complete the above comment, there should have been a full stop before the last which.

  4. Michael Epstein says

    As a matter of good grammar, there should be a full stop to Peverel!