March 9, 2025

Sunday Times reports residents raise £2 million to rescue Crystal Fountain retirement site

The Sunday Times today reports an inspiring story of residents at Crystal Fountain Village in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, saving their homes and taking control of the site.

The residents, headed by Peter Wilson and Betty Young, 72, saw off 22 rival bidders.

Each resident had to chip in £30,000 to save the site.

The story has important implications for residents at smaller retirement sites about which Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation is becoming increasingly concerned.

Many are single site concerns.

More details to follow on this, but congratulations to all at Crystal Fountain (click to read):




  1. I carried out inspection at this beautiful Crystal Fountain Village in 2008/9 as a BCO for Stroud Council. The area is exceptional and the people very friendly.

    I have friends who live close by, who will keep me informed.

    Well done Chrystal Fountain.