Peverel Retirement is cock-a-hoop to have won a retirement site, 37-flat Radbrook House, in Shrewsbury, after apparently being “chosen” by the residents.
But the news follows the revelation that Peverel (non-retirement) has been given its marching orders from the 422-flat Metro Central Heights in south London.
Peverel had been retained after the site went right to manage, but now KFH takes over.

Metro Central Heights won right to manage last year and is the latest prime London site to dump Peverel
But the winning of Radbrook House is a small triumph for Peverel Retirement, which suffered the blow of being dumped at 25 sites by McCarthy and Stone earlier this month.
“Residents made the decision [at Radbrook House] after their contract with a previous management company expired,” says Peverel.
Only later does it emerge that Radbrook House, a Morris Property development of 37 flats, does not have a right to manage company, or residents’ management company. It does have a residents’ association, about which Peverel is always so twitchy (while ostensibly supporting).
“Peverel Retirement’s knowledge and experience comes through in each conversation. Their presentation to the residents was first-class and we look forward to working with them,” says Liz Lowe, of Morris Property.
Elsewhere on the Peverel site, Pat McEvoy (“business development manager”) says: “When we arrived on site to talk to residents the problems there were ones we see all too often. For instance their development year end accounts were late and often incorrect; this meant that when residents challenged the costs they were often proven right.
“Additionally the previous managing agent did not liaise with the landlord or house manager on important information.”
It is understood the previous manager was Hanover housing association.
Mark Hoyland, managing director for Peverel Property Services, says: “We’ll now use our specialist knowledge, experience and customer service to make sure residents get the very best property management.”
Curiously silent is Peverel chief executive Janet Entwistle. Surely this was an occasion for one of her declamations on customer service etc?
Perhaps if the previous management was so bad at Radbrook House that Peverel were deemed to be an improvement, could Liz Lowe of of Morris Property venture an explanation for the following entry on their website, concerning Hanover Housing Association I quote:
Who are we to believe?
PS Liz, could you also explain why the website refers to Morris Residential a dormant company?
It is not only Morris Property who regarded Hanover so highly.
The Radbrook House development bears the EAC Quality Kitemark which has been awarded within the last 24 months.
So if Peverel are able to improve on this Radbrook House must be like living in a 5 star hotel.
There are at present 2 one bed apartments available at this complex.
Don`t all rush at once as by now the queue must have reached Wolverhampton.
The service/management fees are stated to be around £400/month for a one bed which does seem expensive with ground rent on top.
It would be interesting to hear from the residents about their luxury lifestyle
I had to laugh. Peveral seemed to be familiar with the problems the residents quoted, largely as they have been guilty of the same practices! The key is in “ the presentation was first class”. Too often residents are “sold” on a service by the shiny happy sales people and too few are prepared, through understanding what needs to be done and how it should be done, to then put the thumb screws on a prospective agent to see how they answer ( not just present) so that the eventual contract and performance is one that residents wanted and are in control of.
Problem is Peverel is laughing too.
The NHS is trying to force everyone over 55 now to take the statin drug – for profit not to save lives – in spite of a dangerous known side effect that causes confusion/foggy brain/memory loss (an additional safety warning communicated by the FDA on drug labeling in 2012).
So, most retired leaseholders haven’t the foggy idea what the Peverel sales people are on about! Safer to employ the devil you know at any price and for a ‘quiet’ life is the attitude… Remember what Ian Rapley said about his customers on BBC Breakfast TV?
So doesn’t that mean that people in retirement homes should not have the right to manage, as they can’t manage?! 🙂
re statins
much better to eat a whole yellow grapfruit every day …
certainly worked for me … started the habit in 1974 … and had the heart attack 15 years later than the family norm …
any way back to peverel … too many “statins” perhaps and not enough common alternatives … like spending money on being sensible and helpful rather than on court cases, lawyers and aggro ..
happy days
but never eat grapefruit and take statins
I have heard a coconut can help if you are shy!
About Peverel are reporting that Consort have had their contract to manage the Beaufort Park development in London terminated by St Georges. This is a massive development, it could even rank as the largest development Consort ever managed.
If true, this would have very serious consequences for the future of Peverel.
I wasn’t expecting this until 2014. It’s going to be an interesting year. Other torpedos are being prepared.
I can’t wait for 2014!
Apart from the occasional 37 flat development, they may win, it appears that increasingly Peverel will only be managing developments for which (through connected companies) they had a freehold interest so in effect appointed themselves.
Since St Georges are appointing other managing agents, Barratt’ Homes rid themselves of Peverel, Mcarthy and Stone also sacked Peverel from all the developments that Peverel (connected companies) did not own the freehold, it is hard to see a long term future for the company, especially if more big developments are lost , or events in 2014 lead to the freeholds being put up for sale.
It should be remembered that Peverel are still paying up to 15% interest on loans.
I have heard on the grapevine, that such is their dire situation they have even tendered for developments that are referred to as “Sink Estates” where the managing agents walked away and the crime rate was so high the police would only enter the estate with “back Up”.
As far collecting service charges, forget it! Anyone with an ounce of sense knew not to go collecting.
This is the reality of what Peverel are reduced to. They need to bid for such developments.