March 9, 2025

The Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing story so far:

The Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing story so far:

– 2005 to 2009 Peverel cheats pensioners at 65 site by installing Cirrus equipment through bogus tendering

– Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation alerts police, SFO and OFT, and The Times publishes article on December 4 2009

– But Office of Fair Trading gives Peverel “leniency” for turning itself in at some point in December 2009

– OFT starts investigation a leisurely 18 months later

– July 2013 OFT admits the leniency deal with Peverel. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation and politicians are furious

– Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation whistleblowers who had co-operated with OFT – and sworn to secrecy – are disgusted

– December 2013 OFT issues ruling saying Cirrus scammed pensioners with £1.4 million contracts at 65 retirement sites

– January 2014 OFT ended. Competition and Markets Authority launches inquiry into leasehold management

– Minnows in the scam – Glyn Jackson Communications, Peter O’Rourke Electrical and Owens Installations – are fined. Two went into liquidation in 2012 and escaped fines. Owens fined £1,777

– No sanctions against Cirrus; no one at Peverel censured or dismissed

– Sir Peter Bottomley talks of ‘possible criminal behaviour involving Peverel’

– Peverel / Cirrus scandal gets extensive media coverage

– January 2014 ARMA (Association of Residential Managing Agents), of which Peverel is one of the largest members, says it won’t do anything. It has no ‘locus’, it says

– February 2014 Janet Entwistle tells Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation “no member of Peverel staff involved directly in the collusive tendering scheme was still employed by Peverel”.

– February 2014 Cirrus wins lucrative contract with Housing21

– ARHM (Association of Retirement Housing Managers), of which Peverel provides the bulk of funding, prodded by Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation into considering the scandal

– August 2014 ARHM reluctantly makes statement that the systematic cheating of the elderly by a property manager’s subsidiary is a breach of its code of practice. But it concludes no action should be taken

– September 2014 Jeremy Owen, of Cirrus stooge company Owens Installations, says what they were doing was “corrupt” and that senior management knew about it

– September 2014: Peverel renames itself FirstPort … and appears in Private Eye.

– January 2015: Andy Davey, former Cirrus head during the scandal, promoted to MD of Appello by Peverel group owners Knight Square.

– January 2016: FirstPort Retirement application to join ARMA considered by ARMA regulator Rt Hon Keith Hill