… well, it is a Tchenguiz site

Knight’s Court, where Peverel is claimed to have begun a right to manage application only to drop it when Tchenguiz said ‘no’
Peverel began a right to manage process at retirement site Knights Court in Balsall Common, in Solihull, only to drop the claim after the freeholder objected, it is claimed.
The freeholder is the Tchenguiz Family Trust, which owns the freeholds of 1,500 retirement sites, or 53,000 retirement flats, and is Peverel’s principal client and employer.
After Peverel dropped the RTM, the Right To Manage Federation completed what was started at 36-flat Knights Court, which now controls its own destiny.
It is the second of two retirement sites that achieved right to manage last month thanks to the RTMF. The other is 79-unit Park Lodge, Billericay.
The RTMF also carried out the largest ever RTM at the non-retirement 967-unit Century Wharf, in Cardiff, where Peverel was manager, which was also reported last month after the tribunal ruling was published. More here
At Knights Court, the RTMF first met leaseholders in July 2011, but right to manage was not pursued at the site.
When right to manage resurfaced last year, Peverel itself offered to set up the RTM company and meet the associated costs in exchange for a management agreement, it is claimed.
This was an extraordinary suggestion, as the freeholder being the Tchenguiz Family Trust.
The offer of managing an RTM has been proposed by Peverel at other sites where the RTMF has given a presentation, the organisation claims. But Knights Court was the first one, to the RTMF’s knowledge, to take up the offer.
Peverel formed the RTM company in October 2013, serving a claim notice in December.
On January 16 2014, Estates and Management Ltd issued a counter-notice opposing the right to manage, saying that the claim notice was not served correctly.
Faced with such resistance, Peverel Retirement withdrew administrative support and legal assistance with the application.
In February, and following receipt of the counter-notice, the RTM company asked the RTMF for guidance.
It is claimed that Peverel stated that as the landlord’s appointed managing agent it would be in breach of its duty of good faith in carrying out the Right to Manage work.
The RTMF stepped in and served a fresh claim notice on April 17, which was unopposed by the freeholder.
Peverel has been asked to comment.
At Park Lodge, the RTMF served notice in February on Genesis Housing Association in April. The freeholder acknowledged the RTM company’s entitlement in May.
Park Lodge, a site of 79 flats, formerly takes over the management in August and has appointed Millstream Management Services to run the site.
Millstream is the management and estate agency arm of Churchill Retirement.
[Apologies to grammatical pedants: neither Knight’s Court nor Knights’ Court, although more correct, are permitted in web language.]
A statement on these issues has been requested from Peverel
You can find the name of the company which owns the freehold of your block from Land Registry Online website by typing in your post code and you will be offered either the leasehold title ( your flat) or the freehold title ( your freeholder) to download for small payment by credit card..
It will not be “Tchenguiz Family Trust” which is based in the British Virgin Islands and is the ultimate controlling company of a group of about 400 companies including the one which owns the freehold title for your block.
At Companies House records ,use a credit card to buy a copy of the freehold company’s annual report for one pound and you can check if the names of directors for the Freeholder Company are the same as for Estates And Management Ltd.
Then make a written complaint to your local MP and ask him/her to forward the complaint to Housing Minister to explain before Parliament in why companies controlled by a Trust in the British Virgin Islands are allowed to abuse E&W Leaseholders. Also why Estates and Management Ltd are allowed to abuse leaseholders when in 2004-5, the company was subject of 3 Early Day Motions by MPs.
Doubtless that Knight’s Court or Knights’ Court are not permitted in web language will be used by Justin Bates as a defence against future RTM actions!
I hope Ros Jones and Tom Ketchup realise that this amply demonstrates Peverel cannot serve two masters.
It is a blatant conflict of interest. Its one thing to retain management fir the rtm but not when you still act for the freeholder.someone will be kicked for trying that on. Maybe knights court are fortunate to have a good manager, if not a good company, as it would be daft to retain them fir the cost of rtm work.