March 9, 2025

Jones Associates takes over Oakford Court

Jones Associates, of Macclesfield, fresh from a right to manage marathon with Tchenguiz / Peverel, have taken over the management at Oakford Court, in Glossop.

The 27-flat retirement site was managed by Peverel after it was built, and then by a small, private company.

Residents felt the site had suffered and wanted a change.

Warm congratulations to Pauline Jones, who handled the right to manage of Metcalfe Court, in Romiley, in trying circumstances earlier this year. More here

She was assisted by solicitor Margarita Madjirska-Mossop, of Mayfield Law, who is very experienced in RTM issues.

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation strongly advises all sites considering right to manage to appoint and pay for the RTM facilitator. Residents, who are ultimately liable, must be in a position to control events and avoid litigation on their behalf.

“Jones Associates were chosen as Agents for their ability to take a block that has previously had management issues and bring it up to the high standard that should be the norm throughout the Industry.

“Justin Jones is working with the House Manager to put systems in place to ensure that the service that Residents receive provides them with the peace of mind that they deserve both in terms of care and also that the property is maintained well ensuring that their investment is protected.”