March 9, 2025

New chief executives for Peverel / FirstPort property management companies

This is just on the Knight Square website.

Janet Entwistle is chief executive of Knight Square, which controls the group.

New CEO and MD appointments at FirstPort

Following the successful launch of FirstPort to unite all property services businesses under one brand, Nigel Howell has been appointed as CEO of FirstPort and Keith Shields as Managing Director of FirstPort Retirement Property Services.

Nigel joined Knight Square in January 2013 as Chief Financial Officer and he took on the role of MD, Peverel Property Management in March 2014. His new role as CEO sees him take overall charge of all of FirstPort’s services to 160,000 homes across the UK.

Nigel will be supported by Keith, who will run FirstPort Retirement Property Services as well as Kingsborough (soon to be FirstPort Insurance Services) and specialist retirement estate agency Retirement Homesearch.

Keith joined FirstPort’s management team today from Lend Lease, a business recently acquired by Cofely, where he was Head of Facilities and Asset Management. He has also been Managing Director, Facilities Management, at Telereal Trillium and has extensive experience in both private and public sectors, leading people and managing supply chains to deliver strong service for customers.


  1. Well the saviour of Peverel has jumped/pushed from her position as CEO. Janet was brought in to bring the dysfunctional Peverel Group together.

    Like other Senior Managers she was undermined from day one, as the old school who had been around during the Price Fixing was not prepared to allow her to carry out the Charter that she Championed.

    The Price Fixing Scandal was outed by the Press in September/October 2009, after Melisa Brigs and others sent an Email to the SFO who decided that it was not Serious.

    The fact that the Price Fixing Investigation, was then sat on, by the disgraced OFT.

    The OFT spent 4 years investigating and allowed the conspirator’s Peverel Management Services Ltd and Cirrus Communications Services Ltd were allowed Whistle Blower Status as they owned up to cheating 65 Pensioner Developments earning the Peverel Group £1.4 million pounds over a five year period.

    I have written to Janet since she arrived in 2012 as CEO and to date she refused to reply to any question asked even though she set up an email address askjanetaquestion.

    Janet also set up a Charter where the main criteria was:


    Peverel Management Services Ltd (Peverel Retirement) also stated that in “Communicating With You” they will be:


    They were transparent: Every one can see “Right Through Them”

    Peverel Retirement, have continued to provide Expensive, Extreme Poor, Management.

    The Area/Regional Manager at Ashbrook Court failed us continually, refusing to accept that the Price Fixing at Ashbrook Court was one of the other developments that Peverel Group, refused to provide the information to the OFT regarding our Warden Call System Up-Grade, as we still had the same people in charge since 2006?

    Janet claims that no one who was part of the Price Fixing still works for Peverel, let see if she changes her mind now she has moved on???

    function she was brougher t in to s at

  2. Michael Epstein says

    My thanks to the Firstport /Peverel website for the information.
    “Following the successful launch of Firstport,to unite all property services under one brand, Nigel Howell has been appointed CEO of Firstport.
    Also from the very same Firstport/Peverel website in the Q&A section:
    “Will the same people be running the company?”
    “Yes. There will be no senior management changes as a result of this re-brand”
    Perhaps Firstport/Peverel do not regard the role of CEO to be senior management?

  3. I was informed that Branding was a change of name, not a change of company name?

    When Peverel Management Services Ltd was caught Red Handed, Price Fixing with Cirrus Communications, they decided to change the name too Peverel Retirement.

    There was a company called Peverel Retirement Ltd, showing as no longer Trading???

    Nigel Howell the CEO at FirstPort Retirement Ltd, was I believe a previous Director at Peverel Group during the 2005/09 period, can any one confirm this?

    The same people running the new company and no senior management changes, is not good news for us residents.

    Janet Entwistle who has left the Peverel Group, was on to a hiding to nothing as she fell quickly into the Peverel Nightmare of the existing Senior Management and the Price Fixing along with the many other scams that was Peverel Retirement sorry Peverel Management Services Ltd and now FirstPort Retirement Ltd.

    If Janet still reads these comments, I wish her well.

  4. Michael Epstein says

    At the time of the price fixing Nigel Howell was the Chief Finance Officer for Morrison Facilities.
    He left them to join Peverel, with Morrison Facilities facing large debts and a net worth of £-21m.
    He had a senior role at Morrison PLC (now dissolved). I understand Morrison was rescued by the Mears Group.
    For anyone hoping for a “fresh start” under “yet again new management” only has to look at the promotion of Andrew Davey.