March 9, 2025

How we got rid of Peverel and Girling’s advertising boards

Anyone else having issues of this sort? A reader writes:

After some sustained and determined pressure we have managed to get the Peverel / Girlings advertising sign taken down from the communal area of our development as this was in clear breach of the terms of the original lease.

It is of note that the managing agents tried to justify said signs presence by way of some supposedly implied “freeholder’s management covenants?”

Given that private landlords are not allowed to advertise their own properties on the development, this was clearly an iniquitous situation and worried no doubt that a court hearing an injunction application would think similarly, Peverel / Girlings capitulated!

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has long had concerns about Retirement Homesearch, Peverel’s estate agency branch. And Millstream’s, belonging to Churchill.

Commissions can be as high as a very greedy three per cent – as here with Millstream

Local estate agents were charging only 0.5 and 1.75 per cent in the above case.

One property insider reckons it is probably the most profitable estate agency in the country.

Retirement Homesearch appears to be run by two employees and viewings by buyers are organised by the house managers, who get a very modest c£100 for each sale.

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has repeatedly informed the Competition and Markets Authority and the DCLG of its concerns about these virtual monopolies run by property managers.

We have not heard of issues concerning Girling, which rents out about 3,000 flats for various investor institutions.

It is not understood why Peverel has not take over this lettings business in the sites it controls.

Another issue recently raised by a family in the North West, who were selling the property through a local (ie non-Peverel / FirstPort) estate agent.

The house manager showed round buyers, but then successfully urged the sale of a flat on with Retirement Homesearch.

Our advice to anyone selling through an outside agent is to keep the house manager onside, perhaps by offering £200 after a successful sale.

Here is a reader comment on that issue. While we sympathise with the writer’s frustration, when two flats that are comparable have a £10,000 price difference, a buyer would be bonkers to pay more:

We cannot believe what has happened to us today regarding a sale in XXX we were selling my late mums apartment and were due to exchange contracts tomorrow with our solicitor. We sold the apartment thru an estate agent Not Peverel.The purchaser went yesterday for a final viewing to check sizes etc. with a viewer from the agency.On their departure the HOUSE MANAGER busied himself introducing himself and talking about the residence so the girl from the estate agent left them to it and went.He had then proceeded to show her another property that he was selling thru Retirement Homesearch which was rock bottom priced £10,000 cheaper.

She instantly liked it said she would have it. This morning she left a message at the estate agents to say she was cancelling her offer. NOT ONLY HAS THE DECEITFUL,  UNDERHAND SCROTE LOST US A SALE HE HAS ALSO COST US £750 SOLICITORS FEES FOR ALL HER WORK done to prepare the sale to exchange and complete.

He is a Sly Undercutting Nasty man who should not be allowed to get away with it.

But I mentioned contacting his boss, but been told he’s so well in with his boss its a waste of time …

He needs Whipping.


  1. Michael Hollands says

    I cannot see the point of anyone selling their property through Retirement Homesearch especially if their fees are so high.
    Whenever I try to search their website for available properties, it clogs up my computer within a minute or two.
    And they often do not have room sizes or floor plans available, which as far as I am concerned is essential information.
    And they have erroneously referred to leaseholders as owners.

  2. We at Ashbrook Court have an Retirement Homesearch sign which we as residents paid for fixing. Our Area Manager was asked why have we paid for their advertising and has for 3 years not responded to the question.

    When one of the residents ask questions the Peverel Retirement Area Manager is able to ignore.

    We also paid for the Purchase and Fixing of a Peverel Retirement Notice Board £160.00.

    Are we as residents now charity workers?