March 9, 2025

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation interview with BBC raises Peverel price-fixing scandal and AgeUK logos

BBCRadioBristolBBC Radio Bristol reported yesterday on pensioners stuck for five weeks inside Peverel-managed Ferndown Grange owing to a broken lift.

The interview also reported wider issues concerning leasehold retirement by interviewing Sebastian O’Kelly, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation chairman.

Last Friday’s decision by AgeUK to remove its logos from the Peverel Retirement website was reported, and O’Kelly raised broader issues including the Office of Fair Trading investigation into the Cirrus price-fixing scandal.

As a result of the broadcast Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has been contacted by other media outlets seeking information regarding both these issues.

Yesterday’s interview broadcast just after 7am can be heard here (pull slider to 30 minutes into the programme) and was partially repeated at 137 minutes, which also included an interview with a Peverel spokesman.

There is also a comment on the Peverel Retirement website here


  1. There is a report on the retirement scam on page 30 of this week’s Private Eye.