March 9, 2025

Cut out the nonsense and pay up for Peverel cheating! Cabinet minister tells Janet Entwistle

‘… On this issue you seem unwilling to listen, learn or improve’

EdDaveyWestminsterEnergy Secretary Ed Davey has today told Peverel chief executive Janet Entwistle to pay a “much larger compensatory offer” for running a price-fixing cartel.

In December Peverel subsidiary Cirrus was found to have been running bid-rigging tendering for contracts worth £1.4 million at 65 retirement sites.

The scam operated between 2005 and 2009, when Peverel was owned by the Tchenguiz organisation. Now under new owners – venture capitalists Electra and Chamonix – Peverel has offered only a “goodwill” payment of £100,000 to the sites that were conned.

Entwistle (below), a great advocate of legal mediation in other matters – it keeps Peverel’s name out of the courts – has rejected Sir Peter Bottomley’s suggestion that this issue be handed over to an independent mediator.

“Since the OFT has ruled that you have operated a bid rigged system that is very much something which a mediator can now consider to determine the likely level of price inflation that has resulted from your actions.

“The position that you seem to be putting forward is “accept our offer or take us to court”. His hardly matched your code of conduct where you say you “never take advantage of those in a vulnerable position”. Or your customer charter where you say “If we get it wrong we will work hard to put it right as quickly as we can, keep you informed and learn from our mistakes.”

Entwistle“You also claim ‘we will ask for your views and listen to what you say, so we can learn and improve.’ On this issue you seem unwilling to listen, learn or improve.

“Do you think it ethical that your company now forces these pensioners who have suffered as the result of your bid-rigging to now go to court to obtain compensation?

“You make great play of the fact that your management is somehow different from the previous owners but in this case your behaviour does no seem reflected in your attitude.”



  1. Michael Epstein says

    I would have thought that if Service charge trust accounts were protected against fraud, or had an insurance policy to give cover against fraud, there would be no issue concerning repayments for the price fixing.

  2. Michael,

    If Peverel Group had taken out insurance for fraud i.e. the Price Fixing, who would the insurance have been with:-

    1. Could it have been Kingsborough Insurance Services Ltd, and if it was would we know if they had paid for the fraud?

    2. If they was cover did we pay the premiums for the cover?

    3. This could mean Peverel Group has offered Good Will Payments, generated by the residents who paid the Premiums?

    • Michael Epstein says

      A previous property manager (who with very god reason I came not to trust) did tell me that employee indemnity insurance was handled by Kingsborough., That said no mention was ever made of any insurance against fraud. Of course Kingsborough would only place the insurance and would not be the actual insurer. When asked a direct question as to whether our service charge trust funds are protected against fraud the replies thus far received are rather circumspect.

      • The reason is that there is no legal obligation to do so. RICS and ARMA members are required to have a money protection scheme, but neither operate in this way, for this sort of action. Still its a question Sebastian could ask Ms Banks- does the money protection scheme cover this?

  3. Can any one explain why Peverel Charge for literature when a flat has been sold, after a resident moves or passes away.

    My friend has been sent a bill for £302.00 for the Peverel Pack, to give to the new buyer of the flat and has been asked through their solicitor TO PAY THE MONEY????????

  4. I have challenged the Customer Charter with our Janet and Chris Owens but they refuse to answer any of the questions asked regarding:_
    1. Openness?
    2. If we get it wrong we will work to get it right?
    3. We will keep you informed?
    4. We will correct mistakes?
    5. Learn from our mistakes?
    There are more but when they cant get the first one right what is the point of the others??

  5. A quick message to Fleeced, Ollie and Jane who helped with my Council Tax banding appeal.
    I have also been in touch with our MP about this and she has written to David Gauke the Exchequer Secretary pointing out that I am in too high a band. She asks whether there are any reviews of council tax policy planned for the future particularly with regard to retirement properties. This could help as I believe that many retirement leaseholders are in the same position as I am.

    • Karen,
      Originally all the properties on my development were in band E. With some help from me, they were all reduced to D. There are only 2 apartments here, the rest are freehold cottages; one of the leaseholders battled-on for a long time and in the end managed to get both put into C. So don’t give up !

    • Brenda,
      I am so sorry that I used the wrong name – another senior moment !

    This was how Janet Entwistle saw the way forward when she first took up the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    The idea was that she would find out what had been happening with Peverel Retirement and us residents over the past years. The complaints highlight the main problems that had brought Peverel Retirement into total disrepute.

    What JE did not realise was the depth of the mistrust and the evidence that was available regarding the poor judgement that was endemic amongst Peverel Senior Managers.

    Not all of Peverel Managers and workforce are to be tarnished with the same brush.

    The idea that askjanetaquestion would be of any use to us residents, just adds to the disgraceful way we have been treated.

    Has any resident had an answer that was meaningful and correct in the 18 months that we have been asking questions?


    Janet Entwistle in her “Welcome to our Charter”

    Janet stated that “My biggest priority since becoming CEO of Peverel Group is to get our Customer Services right”


    Janet goes on to say “We’ve captured what had been said to us by our customers in a:-


    We have been given an email address askjanetaquestion which we have used as requested?


    We now have been informed that Janet does not answer any questions herself? So the first thing that Janet did was to give us customers, FALSE INFORMATION and a belief that there was a system for contacting her when required?

    So the first thing that Janet did was to allow us to believe that she cared and would provide feedback?

    From the begging we have been treated the same by Peverel CEO as those before the Chamonix and Electra purchase.



    I have in the past sent complaints to askjanetaquestion and included the same questions to those in Peverel Retirement who mange this division.
    I have sent the same complaints to Mrs Carol Crowe, Head of Peverel Retirement, Mr Peter Whalley, Regional Manager, Peverel Retirement, and Mr Chris Owens Head of Peverel Customer Relations.

    It seems that none of these are aware that they are supposed to be giving us residents:=

    1. Excellent Customer Service?
    2. Openness and transparency?
    3. Demonstrating value for money?
    4. Will be easy to deal with?
    5. Will consult with us?

    It seems that they have either,
    1. Read Janet’s Charter and ignored it?
    2. Have yet to read it?


    I should have stated that I had received comments from Chris Owens and Peter Whalley but they did not really reflect on the depth of question asked.

    Carol Crowe failed to reply other than to say that she had received my email and would get back to me in the future? This was last October and still no reply.

    We paid double the going rate for our updated Warden Call System in 2008/09 yet it was not included in the Cartel Price Fixing and Tender Rigging.

    I have asked for the tender documentation for our Warden Call System, which included both CirrusUK and Glyn Jackson as Tenderers. Both had been found to have been involved in Price Fixing at 65 developments?

    I have checked our last 7 years Expenses Files, only to find that the tender documentation information for all contracts regarding pricings, had been removed, before we were allowed to check them.

    This also applied to the Insurance covers and premiums from 2006/07 to date for which commissions were paid by Kingsborough (a sister company) to our Managing Agents, Peverel Retirement Ltd/Division or Peverel Ltd or even Peverel Group Ltd, who were part of the Consensus Business Group that were placed into Administration in 2011.