January 22, 2025

Private Eye covers the Peverel price-fixing scandal

Today’s issue of the satirical magazine Private Eye carries a report on the Peverel / Cirrus price fixing scandal, which is the subject of an Office of Fair Trading investigation. Peverel is co-operating with the inquiry and has been granted “leniency” from court action as a result. The OFT says Peverel turned itself in in […]

Hold on! Pensioners have been stranded by broken lifts in Peverel blocks FIVE times in the past TWO years!

UPDATE It is claimed on the Peverel website that the lifts at Ferndown Grange were finally fixed over the weekend of October 5-6. By Michael Epstein It emerges that pensioners living in Peverel retirement leasehold blocks have been trapped by broken lifts on four other occasions over the past two years, according to local press […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation interview with BBC raises Peverel price-fixing scandal and AgeUK logos

BBC Radio Bristol reported yesterday on pensioners stuck for five weeks inside Peverel-managed Ferndown Grange owing to a broken lift. The interview also reported wider issues concerning leasehold retirement by interviewing Sebastian O’Kelly, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation chairman. Last Friday’s decision by AgeUK to remove its logos from the Peverel Retirement website was reported, […]

Pensioners stuck in flats for five weeks at Ferndown Grange … while spare-part for lift is made in Italy!

BBC Radio Bristol  reported this morning on the case of residents at Ferndown Grange (above) in Bristol being “imprisoned” in their block owing to a damaged lift. A report has also appeared on its website here The lift has been broken for five weeks with no end in sight as new spare-part is going to […]

Gardens not good enough for fire ladders, so £11,000 please!

Here is a letter from a reader, and Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation’s reply. Any views from the Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation “panel of experts? Homepine House in Folkestone had serious issues over safety safety improvements, as can be read here We have been told that the Fire Officer has said that we need […]

AgeUK removes logos from Peverel Retirement website

Yesterday: now you see them …   … today: now you don’t AgeUK today removed its logos from the Peverel Retirement website, after their presence was drawn to its attention by Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation. No explanation has been given why the logos – for AgeUK, Age Cymru and Age Scotland – were placed […]

Will Edwina Currie be doling out award to one of Peverel’s alleged price-fixing sites at the Elderly Accommodation Counsel awards?

  By Michael Hollands  Only three days to go to the big award ceremony in retirement leasehold hosted by Edwina Currie. (Click on image to read) This is the Elderly Accommodation Counsel award for the Retirement Managers of the year being held at the National Motorcycle Museum. The awards are to be presented by Edwina […]

Peverel showed no ‘leniency’ for elderly leaseholders, so why should OFT? The Oldie reports price-fixing scandal …

  The alleged Peverel / Cirrus price–fixing scandal has been reported at length in this month’s issue of The Oldie (“a Zimmer frame for the mind”). (Click on image) It repeats Sir Peter Bottomley’s view that Peverel has undertaken “unlawful and probably criminal actions” and he dismisses the Office of Fair Trading’s fiction that Peverel […]

OFT’s price-fixing investigation into Peverel costs £458,000

A breakdown of costs of the OFT (Office of Fair Trading) investigation into the Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing scandal has been handed to Sir Peter Bottomley. It shows the cost of the investigation is £458,000, accounting for 10,660 hours of work. The costs were outlined after a meeting with the OFT on August 22 chaired […]

‘Buoyant sales’ in retirement leasehold, reports Peverel

An interesting exchange on the Peverel Retirement blog (click on image or here)  between David Gabriel, who heads Peverel’s estate agency Retirement Homesearch and Michael Hollands, who comments frequently on Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation on retirement leasehold issues. Retirement Homesearch recently had a bit of luck getting a quote into the Daily Mail talking […]

Davey and Bottomley quiz OFT over its leniency deal with Peverel over the Cirrus price-fixing scam

Energy Secretary Ed Davey demanded answers this afternoon from the Office of Fair Trading over its tardy investigation into the Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing scandal. He and Sir Peter Bottomley, MP for Worthing West, wanted to know why the investigation was so protracted and why Peverel was offered a 100 per cent leniency deal. Peverel […]

The ‘dribbling geriatrics’ BBC report and Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation’s busy November 2009

The autumn of 2009 was a particularly busy time for Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation. Activists had complained about Peverel and the Tchenguiz companies which owned it – and the freehold and numerous associated companies that provided services. More than 100 attended a meeting in the Palace of Westminster, organised by LibDem MP Ed Davey, […]