January 22, 2025

Knights Court wins RTM after Peverel dropped the action …

… well, it is a Tchenguiz site Peverel began a right to manage process at retirement site Knights Court in Balsall Common, in Solihull, only to drop the claim after the freeholder objected, it is claimed. The freeholder is the Tchenguiz Family Trust, which owns the freeholds of 1,500 retirement sites, or 53,000 retirement flats, […]

Inquest over fatal fire at Gibson Court reported by media

Two and a half years after her death the inquest is finally taking place into the death of Irene Cockerton, 87, in the fire at Gibson Court, in Surrey. Local media are reporting the inquest, which will conclude at the end of the week. A verdict will take several weeks. Mrs Cockerton died of smoke inhalation […]

AgeUK would not get involved, Shelter has quit, Peverel has been expelled and Esther Rantzen is asking questions … the fiasco of the Campaign for Housing in Later Life

Last Friday, Peverel was expelled from the Home Builders’ Federation campaign to reinvigorate the retirement housing market. Its logo was removed from the campaign’s website, while earlier in the week the homeless charity Shelter also decided to jettison the campaign. AgeUK – which last year removed its logos from the Peverel Retirement site – had […]

Sites line up for legal action over Cirrus scandal

Be like Tchenguiz (your freeholder and former Peverel owner) and claim: Elderly residents at six of the 65 sites that were cheated in the Peverel / Cirrus scandal over price-fixing have come forward to demand compensation. The residents are eager to take legal action against the property manager. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation is not […]

Mark Hoyland quits Peverel Retirement after nine months

Mark Hoyland, the head of Peverel Retirement, is leaving to pursue another venture, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has learned.  Hoyland was only in place for nine months (click picture to read biography). A Peverel spokesman said this morning: “I can confirm that Mark Hoyland has decided to leave Peverel Group at the end of […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation whistleblowers were THREATENED with prosecution if they went public over OFT’s feeble £500k investigation into Peverel-Cirrus

The three Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation whistleblowers of the Peverel-Cirrus scam were threatened with prosecution by the Office of Fair Trading  if they revealed the investigation. The threat was minuted by the OFT on September 27 2012 even though it had already decided to give Peverel leniency and not take any action. In a […]

Cirrus tee-hee email: Cheating oldies is ‘not an official part of the process (tee hee)’

Any retirement site on the list should contact Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation to ensure proper compensation is paid for this cheating The secret contempt with which Peverel-Cirrus treated their elderly, vulnerable customers is revealed by the Office of Fair Trading. It has published emails from Cirrus employees in its full 268-report into the price-fixing […]

Cirrus sites have received ‘goodwill’ payments, says Entwistle

Retirement sites that were identified by the Office of Fair Trading in the price-fixing scandal involving Peverel / Cirrus have received their “goodwill” payments, Janet Entwistle of Peverel said yesterday. At a meeting with Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation and Sir Peter Bottomley in Westminster, Entwistle said that she was confident all sites affected by […]

If ANY other site thinks it was scammed by Peverel / Cirrus, contact Ed Davey or Sir Peter Bottomley

 … and there are plenty of lawyers willing to take on this one! Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation strongly recommends that any site that believes it was  scammed in the Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing scandal should raise the issue with either Sir Peter Bottomley or Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation […]

Ex-cabbie, 77, gets doubled service charges owing to anomaly in the lease

Alan Roth, 77, a former cabbie, has had a nasty surprise in the service charges at his one-bedroom flat in north London. For the past nine and half years he has been paying 2/148ths for his flat at Parkview Court, Newbury Park, Ilford, in service charges, amounting to £610 pounds.


Here is the list of all the sites involved in the OFT investigation into Peverel’s price-fixing cartel. Can any residents at these sites please contact me as soon as possible. Thanks, Sebastian

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation to meet Janet Entwistle over Cirrus scandal … but NO site that was cheated should accept Peverel’s £100,000 ‘goodwill’ payment

(… and one site contacts OFT saying it was left out of the investigation) Sebastian O’Kelly and Martin Boyd, of Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation, are to meet Janet Entwistle, Peverel chief executive (right), with Sir Peter Bottomley at his Westminster offices on February 10. The discussion concerns the Cirrus price-fixing scandal and Peverel’s derisory […]