January 22, 2025

Peverel house managers ‘must use’ Ace Office Environments

A Peverel house manager writes in to say that all house managers have to order office and cleaning supplies from Ace Office Environments, a Bournemouth company. Until “a year ago” the managers were told to order through a company called Viking, “which was cheaper”. There is no suggestion that there is anything improper in this […]

Names for Peverel to conjure with … 39 Pegasus Courts!

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has had a closer look at the list of 1,466 Peverel managed retirement sites … and has discovered that 283 have the same names. That’s 19% of the total. The full list with the constituency MP is here: Peverel Retirement homes    And the full list grouped as names with […]

Mere Court residents should vote as they wish, but tell Peverel it cannot sell the house manager’s flat until its ownership is clear

… the area manager was telling residents the flat was ‘part of estate’ only three months ago Mere Court residents have been given until August 19 by Peverel to vote on whether they want a live-in house manager. If they don’t, the flat will be sold. They should vote as they wish and according to […]

Find your Peverel site and contact your MP

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation today publishes a complete list of all Peverel’s retirement sites with links to contacting the constituency MP. We are just at the start of analysing this data, but one feature that is immediately noticeable is that 73 per cent of retirement leasehold sites are in constituencies with Conservative MPs. Click […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation / Bottomley demand Cameron calls meeting with Housing and Justice over OFT / Peverel price-fixing scandal

Demands that the Office of Fair Trading account for its supine leniency agreement with Peverel over the price-fixing scandal have now reached the attention of the prime minister. Number 10 is suggesting the issue be examined by a minister of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Sir Peter Bottomley, backed by Cabinet minister Ed […]

MPs demand ‘justice and recompense’ for victims of Peverel’s price-fixing scams …

Sir Peter Bottomley (left), the Conservative MP for Worthing West, and Ed Davey (right), the LibDem MP for Kingston and Surbiton and the Energy Secretary, are combining forces to demand why the Office of Fair Trading offered a leniency deal to Peverel over the Cirrus price-fixing scandal. After a meeting with Campaign against retirement leasehold […]

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation meets lawyers over Peverel price-fixing scandal

A meeting was held in London on Wednesday with lawyers to discuss how Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation should proceed with the Peverel / Cirrus price-fixing scandal. Also, the Office of Fair Trading is under scrutiny at the highest level for cutting a leniency deal with Peverel, ostensibly because Peverel turned itself in in December […]

After the furore at Mere Court, another Peverel site rebels in Knutsford

Acrimonious exchanges between Peverel management and a house manager of 10-years standing have caused a second retirement leasehold site in Knutsford to erupt in rebellion. Marge Ashley, 67, originally from South Africa, handed in her notice two days ago at Ash Court. Her departure has caused widespread dismay among residents. The case comes within days […]

Hand over £100,000 Mere Court house manager’s flat and we will give you £10,000, say Peverel / Tchenguiz

Residents at Mere Court in Cheshire have been offered a £10,000 donation to their contingency fund – provided they surrender their interest in the house manager’s flat. A meeting was held by Peverel at the 39-flat site last Friday (July 19) and the residents are now to be balloted on whether they wish to dispense […]

How we fiddled the Cirrus contracts, by an ex-Peverel employee

This illuminating email has been sent in by a former Peverel employee, whose name is being withheld: As an ex Peverel Retirement technical officer who was made redundant, thus incurring residents with extra costs for people like AEDAS with no reduction in service charges for services paid for and not given, I am in a […]

Cabinet minister condemns ‘monstrous’ companies as prime riverside site ousts freeholder

YouTube videos Charter Quay: the epic trailer Charter Quay with Ed Davey speech Sebastian O’Kelly writes: Although not a retirement site, but an affluent Thames riverside development, Charter Quay has gained a knowledge and experience that has already benefited hundreds of leaseholders elsewhere in their unequal disputes with the companies that prey upon them. And […]

Bottomley: ‘possible criminal behaviour involving Peverel’ over tendering scams

Articles in The Times in 2009 also show Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation had publicly raised the issue of Cirrus’s tendering scams before Peverel turned itself in   Sir Peter Bottomley has waded into the Peverel price-fixing scandal by publicly doubting whether the company had “confessed” to the Office of Fair Trading before being alerted […]