March 10, 2025

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation re-introduces a ‘Forum’ – please do use it to share information

Last time Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation attempted a forum we had to abandon the process owing to technical issues. It seemed to be slowing the whole site down. We are now reviving one and very much hope that Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation readers will make it an active and vital part of the site. It is an excellent place to share information and to help others out who are facing the same difficulties regarding:

Excessive service charges
Resident house managers
Right to manage
Sub-letting fees

Please do make use of it and let us know if there are any technical issues we should be aware of. The forum can be accessed at the top right hand side of the menu bar. There is a log in process, otherwise we get inundated with dubious financial and amorous offers.

Thanks, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation


  1. Betty Young says

    Retirement Villages are like all retirement property: going through a hard time. Administration has happened here and throws up legal problems, such as any obligation on the Administrator to appoint a managing agent rather than do it themself, a refusal to draft service charge budgets or provide accounts, refusal to make payment of the service charge for Freeholder-owned properties part of the Administration expenses so existing leaseholders are having to subsidise those properties.

    Retirement villages comprising houses as well as apartments have the additional legal problem of apparently being not included in the legal “Right to Manage” or “LVT application to appoint a managing agent” as these apply only to buildings.


      Surely you are not referring to the company Retirement Villages of Lime Tree Village, Elmbridge Village, etc. It was only yesterday that they sponsored a big golf tournament