March 9, 2025

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation / LKP plans leasehold meetings around the country

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitationmeetingFollowing Saturday’s leasehold owner meeting in Epsom, Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation is prepared to hold meetings around the country.

We feel that these are best held at the retirement sites themselves. The point being, that it is those unpersuaded by right to manage or confronting unscrupulous or monetising freeholders and managing agents who most need to attend.

Last Saturday’s meeting was small, but an intense and  emotionally draining affair.

It lasted for four hours and covered issues concerning retirement leasehold, and two horrific cases of leasehold disputes.

It was clear to all who attended that these disputes – which had resulted in court cases at the property tribunal – had resulted in broken lives.

Curiously, the elderly residents in retirement leasehold ended up in the position of trying to comfort a woman whose disputes in a prime Knightsbridge block had taken an appalling toll.

These cases, understandably, will remain confidential.

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation would like to thank all those who took part, in particular Inma Gell, of the LKP-accredited Diamond Managing Agents who hosted the event.

Inma, who has carried out five right to manage applications in the Epsom area, told the audience how she was grappling with the issues at Homewater House, which was managed by the RLHA (Retirement Lease Housing Association) based in Aldershot.

Many residents at RLHA sites have been in touch with Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation.

Our advice is the same as with Peverel: obtain right to manage as a matter of course.

RLHA is the freeholder and managing agent of its own properties, which is a poisonous combination.

If you wish Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation to visit your site, please email:







    IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO HAVE A LIST OF Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation SUPPORTERS ON AN AREA BASIS

  2. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation says

    If your block has a communal area that leaseholders pay for, they can use it for a meeting without any issue.

    Peverel is simply a managing agent, that serves your freeholder (it certainly does not serve you). But I understand the point you are making. Unfortunately, it is the undecided who would probably best be served by a meeting.

    There is a obvious problem with handing out lists of supporters.

  3. Michael Epstein says

    Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation does seem to have a point.
    As useful as the meetings that you have suggested might be, it follows that those attending any such meeting will already be aware of the problems created by managing agents such as Peverel.
    It is more important to get the message across to those who are still ignorant of the way they are being exploited, and to show them how they can take control themselves.
    Regarding a list of supporters, under current circumstances this would be most unwise.

  4. I am happy to attend and offer any support that I can…

  5. Michael Epstein says

    I would offer my support, but i still need it for medical reasons!
    Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation makes a very good point in response to Graham’s post. In particular the problem with holding outside meetings is that those attending will already be aware’ that problems exist concerning leasehold and managing agents/freeholders. What is very important is to educate those in blissful ignorance of how they are being exploited and what they can do to prevent this continuing.

  6. Trevor Bradley says

    Totally agree with MEs and Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation comments re holding meetings on site. As I have said in the past we need to bring out these leasehold problems to a much wider public awareness.
    Again will everyone please remember these problems are not just inherent within the Peverel group and its other associated names. Regrettably It is rife within many other managing agents.
    Trevor Bradley, Director of a management company.

  7. My neighbour has been asked by Peverel Retirement to pay £302.00 for a Peverel Purchasers Pack to give to the incoming resident who will purchase the flat. My Neighbour is the executor and with the other payments 1% Exit Fee and 1% for the Contingency Fund it has been a very difficult period.

    When you add the Estate Agent Fees and Solicitors Fees the payment will be close to £4,000.00 to sell a flat that they can not live in, as they are not 60 years of age?

    Yet a friend of mine has been informed by Peverel Retirement Division that friends/partners under 55 are not allowed to stay more than 3 weeks and must register with the House Manager if they stay overnight?

    These rules do not apply to The Resident House Manager who has young children?

    Peverel Retirement Division have been asked for conformation of the rules regarding the Human Rights Act and to weather rights of

  8. Sebastian the website is playing up again?

    I was unable to complete my comment or correct the spelling of whether.

    I was going to say whether there was any written rules that can now be strictly adhered too as the Human Rights Act has been used outside the scope of what it was meant to represent?

  9. A few of my postings have never reached the posting board. Is this website under constant internet attack ? I assume the other sites like TTAS an PevAction were knocked down by legal pressures ???

  10. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation says

    Almost comments are not being published because of user error, high internet traffic or blips using old equipment.

    Write your comment on a programme on your computer, and then copy it to the comment box of the website. DON’T leave the comment box open for any length of time.

    If it does not work, change the first sentence to something completely different, and try again.

    Yes, both LKP / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation get break-in efforts, almost all are automated. As many as 600 a day, and occasionally far more.

    I understand that TTAS and Peverel Action ceased owing to actions by their participants, not the threat of legal action.


  11. Can we organise a Regional Meeting that reflect the regional areas that Peverel have Regional Manager’s.
    Depending on which website is seen, there are:-
    5 Regional Managers
    50 Area Managers
    1500 House Managers

    The apathy with some of the residents and the lack of communal areas at ABC means that a meeting place will be found once the number of residents wish to attend are known.