March 10, 2025

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation campaigner seeks house manager’s job description

A “well known” Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation campaigner is seeking a house manager’s job description, presumably a Peverel one.

Could anyone provide us with one?

Absolute discretion guaranteed.




  1. roundhay says

    type request in search engine on google

  2. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation says

    Thanks Roundhay. That was rather easier that I thought it would be:

    The link is:

    The words are below:

    JOB TITLE: House Manager COMPANY: Peverel Retirement MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB
    To effectively and professionally manage the development while providing a safe, secure and well maintained environment to Residents, as befits the leading manager of retirement housing and related services in Great Britain.
    Please note the House Manager is not required to provide nursing care.
    Reports to Area Manager, liaising with other House Staff, Regional Estates staff, Accounts Administration Department, Personnel, Payroll and Training Department, Retirement Homesearch, CarelineUK (Cirrus Communications) and the Marketing Department.
    • To maintain a high profile on the development at all times during working hours.
    • To take immediate action in the event of emergency, summoning assistance
    from the appropriate authority.
    • To monitor and record the well being of every Resident on a daily basis.
    • T o establish friendly communications with Residents, offering advice on problems when required, ensuring next of kin are informed of any problems where appropriate.
    • To maintain accurate records of Residents’ details and review such details as laid out in the House Managers’ Manual. To inform the Area Manager and CarelineUK of any relevant changes.
    • To ensure that the Residents are aware of the need for security and that no unannounced visitors (other than the regular trades people) gain access to the building. To make sure that all confidential information is kept secure and that the master keys are never left unattended.
    • To ensure that the building is secure and that communal doors and windows have not been left open.
    • To inform the Group Managing Director’s Office of any potential situation that may have an adverse affect on the Company’s reputation.
    • To inform the Area Manager of all breaches of rules and regulations, as contained within the lease and any changes in tenancy.
    • To ensure the efficient operation of services and equipment such as the communication system, fire alarm system, fire appliances, lifts, etc recording regular routine maintenance inspections and arranging for regular fire tests to be carried out in accordance with company procedure.
    • To regularly check and ensure that lighting standards are maintained and that ambient temperatures in the communal areas are properly regulated.
    • To call out and oversee the work of trades people carrying out repairs within the limits of delegated authority and to authorise payments of such work when satisfied.
    • To ensure that the communal areas of the building, the garden and grounds, are cleaned and maintained including, where necessary, removing litter and leaves from the main entrance, its immediate surrounding area and pedestrian access to it.
    • To exercise control over the use of communal facilities such as laundry, car park, lounge and guest suite.
    • To familiarise yourself with, and promote, Retirement Homesearch; escorting prospective purchasers to view properties for sale and notifying the office should the personal condition of a purchaser give rise to doubt with regard to their suitability to reside on the development.
    • When possible, to welcome a new Resident moving into the development.
    • To ensure that monies collected in respect of bookings for the guest suite, communal lounge or service charges are banked as soon as practicably possible.
    • To establish and maintain good communication and working relationships with GPs and local care service agencies/health service personnel.
    • Encourage the formation of a Social Committee and/or help Residents arrange events that allow them to get to know one another.
    • To arrange cover for days off, holidays and illness in conjunction with the Area Manager, and ensuring that the person covering meets the requirements of this job description.
    • To complete your continuous professional development training log and attend all training events/meetings as directed by your Area Manager and Personnel.

  3. Timothy Bobbin says

    To Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation (with the greatest respect and thank you for everything you do) :- All information re. Peverel is to be found on line-just ask Google direct as a basic question or, look at Peverel (Retirement) website /jobs/available vacancies and everything is there up-front as it should be . You can use the information given as a rod to beat Peverel. In other words, you can always, whatever the organisation, use their own system – once you have worked it out- to your own advantage. Never fails, even if it takes some time and a little bit of effort there is always a weakness.

  4. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation says

    Thanks. It is to share the effort that I put up the post (and the one on Homepine House).

    The more people who write on the site the better.

    it’s a shame the forum has not taken off.

    • The forum is a good idea, if you can get into it. Although I am registered with Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation and correctly use the password sent to me, I am aways given an error message. Now I am shut out for over a year before I can try again, seems to me other people have the same problem and that’s why the forum is so quiet.


  5. Michael Epstein says

    Part of the job description for the House Manager is to promote Retirement Homesearch.
    Of course service charges must pay the wages of the House Manager, but why should residents pay for House Managers whilst they are working on behalf of another company?
    If it were just a case of a House Manager showing a prospective client the location of a flat, or a friendly brief explanation of the development ,it would be no problem. However when Retirement Homesearch promote the fact that unlike other companies using a traditional agent a purchaser has access to a House Manager and that House Manager has a vested interest in a sale, residents should have concerns.
    It may have come to residents attention the increasing use of “Open Days”. Without any appointment, the public are invited into a retirement development for a look round and refreshments. In some circumstances the public are invited to stay in the guest flat to see if they like the development.
    Not only are residents privacy being invaded, but they are having to pay a proportion of their service charges to increase the sales of Retirement Homesearch. It is wrong and should be challenged.