Dudley Joiner, the businessman offering services to leaseholders, has told LKP / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation that being disqualified as a company director for seven years has “no relevance to my current activity”. The ban was imposed between 1993 and 2000 in the Chancery Division of the High Court following an action by the […]
No more retirements flats until leasehold rip-offs are ended
Norman Greed, a veteran of a right to manage dispute and winning back unfair service charges, says no more retirement flats should be built under the rip-off leasehold system Once again the leaseholders of England and Wales have been let down by the legal system. In this article I will cover three items I wish […]
RTM: Touting for business (again)
LKP has been contacted by a number RTM sites worried about a letter which ominously warns “URGENT- YOUR RTM COMPANY MAY BE ILLEGAL”. If you have had one of these letters it may also warn in capital letters your RTM should “ACT NOW”. LKP would suggest you act with caution. Quoting some case and suggesting […]
Important AgeUK event – exit fees
On 19th November AgeUK is holding an event for “older leaseholders” on exit/transfer fees as part of the Law Commissions review of these type of charges. The Law Commission project is just entering the public phase having reached their preliminary findings. The project will end some time next year when they present their formal recommendations […]
Homewalk House can’t have energy efficient LEDs, because ‘we think £14,000 dimmers are better, says FirstPort’
A furious resident at Homewalk House in Sydenham, south-east London, is complaining that FirstPort is blocking a proposal to introduce energy efficient LED lighting which could save residents money. The below is the complaint of John Lillywhite to FirstPort. We are happy to publish any reply. Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation would be interested to […]
Leasehold ‘a lucrative way to stop people from buying their own home outright’ – Daily Mail
Questions must now be asked of housebuilders playing the leasehold game by building leasehold houses wherever possible in preference to freehold. Some of the country’s biggest housebuilders – such as Persimmon and Bellway – are involved in the racket. Politicians supposedly concerned with issues of leasehold should be questioning this matter. Indeed, Persimmon should be […]
Getting right to manage … right
The Right to Manage came into existence as part of the 2002 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act. The government of the day saw RTM as a simple right to allow leaseholders rather than landlords to control the destiny of the site. Why your site needs RTM It will over time give you the lowest costs […]
Accountant tells MPs of murky world of leasehold service charge accounts
The murky world of leasehold service charge accounts was laid bare to MPs and leading figures in leasehold at a Commons round-table organised by LKP earlier this month. Accountant Nick Hunwick, of Simpson Wreford & Partners which acts for 500 legal entities involved in leasehold service charge accounts in the South East, gave his overview […]
Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation is right to ‘expose outrageous behaviour of cowboys’, says Law Commissioner Stephen Lewis
Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation has been right to expose “expose the outrageous behaviour of cowboys” in the retirement housing sector, the Law Commissioner Stephen Lewis told MPs and key leasehold figures at Westminster. The Law Commissioner, who is presiding over an inquiry into leasehold “event fees” (triggered by events such as sale or subletting), […]
Not happy with David Wilson Homes …
Any suggestions to this reader will be gratefully received. We are freeholders living in a house in a 9.5 year old David Wilson Estate. We have recently been trying to sell the house (due to poor health). It appears to be undervalued by more than 20% when compared with the surrounding market prices. This is […]
Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation becomes a registered charity
The Charity Commission this week approved the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership / Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation as a registered charity. Its registered details and charitable objectives can be read on the commission’s website here “We are satisfied that LEASEHOLD KNOWLEDGE PARTNERSHIP is a charity and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities with […]